Dietary Requirements
We select the best sources on the Australian market for our red meat, poultry, game and smallgoods aiming for the most natural product available. We draw on Australia’s premium organic, pasture fed and pasture finished, free-range, bred free-range, gluten-free and other natural whole food suppliers as our sources.
Different Dietary Options Catered for
We cater for:
- Organic meat
- Pasture fed and pasture finished
- Free-range beef and lamb
- Outdoor bred pork
- Gluten-free
- Preservative-free
- Paleo and other pure food diets

Organic farmers nourish the soil that feeds our food. Organic food is grown without chemicals: no synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, fungicides, or herbicides. Animals are raised without antibiotics, hormones, or other drugs. Organic food is also grown without GMOs (genetically modified organism) crops. Therefore a lot of what makes organic eating healthy for you is in the range of substances and farm practices which you are not put into contact with when eating organic meat.
Recent studies have proven that the health benefits of organic meats are:
- On average organic foods are about one-third higher in antioxidants than comparable conventional produce. Antioxidants are beneficial in eradicating free radicals.
- A number of studies show that organic produce is more nutrient dense than conventionally produced food.
Call (02) 4267 2372 today and ask to book a time to speak to Peter Deiure to discuss your organic needs or otherwise visit us in our butcher’s shop for more details.
The Paleo Diet (Paleo meaning ‘old’), also referred to as caveman or primal diet, is a dietary lifestyle based on foods our ancestors would have eaten. This means any processed foods, preservatives and grains are out.
Unfortunately not much research exists to promote the health benefits of eating Paleo, however those who choose to live the Paleo lifestyle are shouting the benefits from the rooftops.
At Purebred Meats Thirroul we understand that you may have certain food preferences and we cater for these, ensuring you meet your dietary needs easily. As the butcher of choice for Pete Evans when he came to Wollongong in early 2015, we have top quality products to help you live your life your way.
Why not pop in-store to see what we’ve got for you today?
Alternatively, call (02) 4267 2372 if you’d like to know more about our products.
Pasture fed animals forage on grass and tend not to be treated with hormones or antibiotics.
Beef can also be pasture finished. This means that in the last 60-90 days of the cow’s life, the ‘finishing stage’, cows are fed in the pasture on grass. Some pasture fed beef can still be grain finished, meaning the cows eat grain in that last 60-90 days of their life. Pasture finished beef are allowed to naturally forage in a pasture and eat a natural diet of grass for the ‘finishing’ last two months as well as earlier.
Grain finished cows are weaned, allowed to forage in pasture and then they are put into confined feeding lots and given often cheap grains (soy) they would not usually eat. This is a budget method aimed to fatten them up quickly before slaughter.
As well as being better for the animal’s digestive system, pasture fed meat is significantly lower in total fat among many other health benefits.
Grass fed and grass finished meat is:
- 65% less in fat that non-pasture fed meat
- A good source of omega-3 fatty acids
- High in vitamin E and vitamin A
- A healthy source of beta-carotene
- Rich in selenium and
- A good source of antioxidants (such asglutathione and superoxide dismutase).
Purebred Meats Thirroul prides itself in being a gourmet butcher that supplies top quality pasture fed and finished meats, ensuring you get tastier and more tender results with your cooking.
Visit us in in-store or call (02) 4267 2372 today if you’d like to know more about our products.
Buying free-range meat gives you more by way of ‘happy animals’ than buying a non-accredited product, but how does this translate to health benefits? There is growing evidence of the health benefits gained from eating products from pastured animals. Research shows:
- Grass fed beef and lamb is leaner than feedlot meat and therefore lower in calories
- Some research suggests a single steak from a grass fed beef can contain 100 calories less than the same size steak from a grain fed beef. (Importantly though, grass fed meat is between three to seven times higher in ‘good fats’—Omega 3s—which are important for your heart and brain.
Purebred Meats Thirroul prides itself on being a gourmet butcher that supplies top quality free range and other naturally reared meats and poultry ensuring better results from your cooking.
Visit us in in-store or call (02) 4267 2372 today if you’d like to know more about our products.
Around 95% of all pork products produced in Australia come from pigs raised in intensive farming systems. These pigs are housed in small concrete pens inside sheds. When free to roam, pigs will spend their days foraging, exploring and nesting. Intensive farming systems prevent pigs behaving naturally.
In intensive farming, breeding sows are confined in sow stalls for part, or all, of their 16 week pregnancy. A sow stall is a 2 metre by 0.6 metre metal-barred crate, which gives the pig no room to turn around. Once she has given birth, the sow and her piglets are transferred to a farrowing crate. Farrowing crates are smaller than sow stalls.
On the other hand, pork that is bred free range involves the pigs being raised primarily in paddocks, when they are free to forage and roam until the sows are in the breeding stage. The bred free range farmers from which we source provides spacious huts for sows to give birth and raise their piglets within, which provide shelter and protection from weather and predators. After a certain period they are let out to forage again.
Therefore if stress during rearing impacts the quality and health of the meat from the animals concerned, then bred free range produce is the better option.
Purebred Meats Thirroul prides itself on being a gourmet butcher that supplies top quality free range bred meats, ensuring you get tastier and more tender results with your cooking.
Visit us in in-store or call (02) 4267 2372 if you’d like to know more about our high quality products.
Cured and processed meats commonly contain food additives called nitrites and nitrates. These additives are used as preservatives and colour fixers. They are seen as an important ingredient to these products as they inhibit the development of toxic micro-organisms called Clostridium botulinum. Without these additives, food authorities believe that there would be many more deaths from food poisoning, especially botulism. However, some people are intolerant or allergic to these additives and cannot eat them.
These additives have also been associated with a range of intolerance symptoms such as headaches, irritable bowel symptoms, itchy rashes, asthma, children’s behaviour problems, difficulty falling asleep and frequent night waking. For this reason, many people choose to avoid them.
A study published by researchers at Rhode Island Hospital in the US reported a link between increased levels of nitrates and increased deaths from certain diseases including Alzheimer’s, diabetes mellitus and Parkinson’s, possibly through the damaging effect of nitrosamines on DNA.
It’s important to note that when purchasing preservative-free products, this range of products will not last as long, so purchase smaller quantities at a time. At Purebred Meats, Thirroul we understand that shopping for tricky diets isn’t easy.
We stock a range of products that have been created preservative free. Why not pop in-store to see what we’ve got for you today?
Alternatively, call (02) 4267 2372 if you’d like to know more about our products.